Minor Carpet/Seam Repair

Minor Carpet/Seam Repair

Areas of carpet that have been damaged and cannot be cleaned may need to be removed and replaced. We are able to complete these minor carpet repairs while maintaining the integrity and visual smoothness of your carpet. Our services include: Wrinkle removal Corrective inserts (sometimes called cut and patch) Some seam repair. Call US TODAY...

Carpet Spot Cleaning

Carpet Spot Cleaning

There are a variety of spills and stains that are encountared every day. While many can be removed with general spotting agents, some require special cleaning agents and/or equipment. Upon identification of contents we apply the approporate chemistry and procedure for that spot, stain, or spill. Our Services Include: Inspect area to determine appropriate chemistry...

Ceramic Tile and Grout Cleaning

Ceramic Tile and Grout Cleaning

It is so easy for ceramic tile and grout to get soiled and not look it’s brightest. Sometimes, even using the most expensive floor cleaners cannot reverse the damage. We offer cleaning of ceramic tile and grout to restore them back to their original luster. We use the latest technology to restore the beauty of...